
Survival Kit Bag Items: Must-Have Essentials for Outdoor Adventures

Survival kit bags are essential items for anyone who wants to be prepared for emergencies. These bags can be lifesavers in situations where you need to evacuate your home quickly or survive in the wilderness. But what should you include in your survival kit bag? In this article, we will discuss the essentials that you need to include in your survival kit bag.

Navigation tools are important items to include in your survival kit bag. A map and compass are essential for finding your way in the wilderness, and a GPS device can be useful for pinpointing your location. Communication devices are also important, such as a whistle or signal mirror to attract attention, and a two-way radio or satellite phone to call for help.

Fire starting items are crucial for survival, as fire can provide warmth, light, and a way to cook food. You should include waterproof matches, a lighter, and a fire starter in your survival kit bag. Multi-use tools, such as a knife, multi-tool, and duct tape, can also come in handy for a variety of tasks.

Personal protection items, such as a first aid kit, insect repellent, and sunscreen, can help keep you healthy and safe. Light sources, such as a flashlight or headlamp, can be useful in low-light situations. Finally, miscellaneous items, such as a water filter, emergency blanket, and extra clothing, can be important additions to your survival kit bag.

Key Takeaways

  • Tents are designed for more intensive outdoor use, while canopies are primarily used for shade and shelter at outdoor events and spaces.
  • The key differences between tents and canopies are their level of protection from the elements and their level of privacy.
  • When choosing between a tent and a canopy, consider the type of activity you will be using it for and the level of protection you need.

Survival Kit Bag Essentials

When it comes to survival, having a well-stocked survival kit bag is essential. In this section, we’ll cover the must-have items for your survival kit bag. We’ll break it down into three sub-sections: First Aid Items, Food and Water Supplies, and Shelter and Warmth Items.

First Aid Items

In any emergency situation, having basic first aid supplies can make all the difference. Here are some essential first aid items to include in your survival kit bag:

BandagesFor cuts, scrapes, and blisters
GauzeFor larger wounds or to use as a makeshift sling
Antiseptic wipesTo clean wounds and prevent infection
Pain relieversSuch as aspirin or ibuprofen
TweezersFor removing splinters or ticks
ScissorsTo cut clothing or bandages
Medical glovesTo protect against bodily fluids

Food and Water Supplies

In a survival situation, having enough food and water is crucial. Here are some essential food and water supplies to include in your survival kit bag:

WaterAt least one liter per person per day
Water filterTo purify water from natural sources
Non-perishable foodSuch as energy bars, canned goods, or dried fruits
UtensilsSuch as a spork or multi-use tool
Cooking suppliesSuch as a portable stove or fire starter

Shelter and Warmth Items

In an emergency situation, staying warm and dry can be a matter of life and death. Here are some essential shelter and warmth items to include in your survival kit bag:

Tent or tarpTo protect against the elements
Sleeping bag or blanketsTo stay warm at night
Warm clothingSuch as a hat, gloves, and extra socks
Emergency blanketTo reflect body heat
Light sourceSuch as a flashlight or headlamp

By including these essential items in your survival kit bag, you’ll be better prepared for any emergency situation.

Navigation Tools

Navigation tools are essential for survival kit bags. They help us determine our location, plan our route, and find our way back to safety. In this section, we will discuss two of the most important navigation tools that should be included in every survival kit bag: compasses and maps.


A compass is a must-have item in any survival kit bag. It is a simple yet effective tool that can help us navigate in any environment, whether we are in the wilderness or urban areas. A compass works by using the Earth’s magnetic field to determine direction.

When choosing a compass, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • Accuracy: Look for a compass that is accurate and reliable.
  • Durability: Choose a compass that is durable and can withstand harsh conditions.
  • Size: Consider the size of the compass and make sure it fits comfortably in your survival kit bag.
compass, orientation, map @ Pixabay


Maps are another important navigation tool that should be included in every survival kit bag. They provide us with valuable information about our surroundings, including topography, landmarks, and potential hazards.

When choosing maps for your survival kit bag, consider the following factors:

  • Scale: Choose a map with an appropriate scale for your needs.
  • Detail: Look for a map with enough detail to help you navigate your surroundings.
  • Waterproofing: Consider getting a waterproof map to ensure it stays intact in wet conditions.

In addition to compasses and maps, there are other navigation tools that can be useful in a survival situation, such as GPS devices, altimeters, and personal locator beacons. However, these tools should not be relied upon solely and should be used in conjunction with a compass and map.

Overall, navigation tools are essential for survival kit bags. By including a compass and map, we can increase our chances of finding our way back to safety in any situation.

passport, map, world @ Pixabay

Communication Devices

When it comes to survival situations, communication devices can be a lifesaver. In this section, we will discuss two essential communication devices that should be included in your survival kit bag.


A whistle is a simple yet effective communication device that can be used to signal for help or alert others of your location. It is lightweight, compact, and can be heard from a distance. A whistle can be used to communicate a variety of messages, such as a distress signal or a call for assistance.

When selecting a whistle for your survival kit bag, look for one that is made of durable materials and has a loud, clear sound. A whistle with a built-in compass or thermometer can also be useful.

Signal Mirror

A signal mirror is another communication device that can be used to attract attention and signal for help. It works by reflecting sunlight in a specific direction, creating a bright flash that can be seen from a distance.

When using a signal mirror, it is important to aim the reflection directly at the target, such as an aircraft or rescue team. To do this, hold the mirror close to your face and slowly tilt it until you see the reflection on the target.

When selecting a signal mirror for your survival kit bag, look for one that is made of high-quality materials and has a sighting hole to help you aim the reflection accurately.

In conclusion, including communication devices in your survival kit bag can greatly increase your chances of being rescued or finding help in emergency situations. A whistle and signal mirror are two essential communication devices that should be included in your kit bag.

Fire Starting Items

When it comes to survival kit bags, fire starting items are essential. Fire can provide warmth, light, and can even be used to cook food. In this section, we will discuss two types of fire starting items that are commonly included in survival kit bags: matches and fire starters.


Matches are a classic fire starting item that many people include in their survival kit bags. They are small, lightweight, and easy to use. However, it is important to choose the right type of matches for your kit. Waterproof matches are a great option because they can still be used even if they get wet. Strike-anywhere matches are also a good choice because they can be lit on almost any surface.

When packing matches in your survival kit bag, it is important to keep them in a waterproof container. This will ensure that they stay dry and are ready to use when you need them. Additionally, it is a good idea to pack multiple packs of matches in case one pack gets wet or runs out.

Fire Starter

Fire starters are another popular fire starting item that many people include in their survival kit bags. They are designed to ignite quickly and easily, making them a great option for those who may not have experience starting a fire. There are many different types of fire starters available, including:

  • Ferrocerium rods
  • Magnesium blocks
  • Lighter cubes

Ferrocerium rods are a popular choice because they are lightweight and can be used in almost any weather condition. They produce a shower of sparks when scraped with a metal striker, which can ignite dry tinder. Magnesium blocks are another option that can be used to start a fire. They are lightweight and produce a hot flame when scraped with a metal striker. Lighter cubes are also a good choice because they are easy to ignite and can burn for several minutes, providing plenty of time to start a fire.

When packing fire starters in your survival kit bag, it is important to choose a type that works best for your needs. Additionally, it is a good idea to pack multiple fire starters in case one fails to ignite or runs out.

Remember, fire starting items are essential in a survival kit bag. By including matches and fire starters, you can increase your chances of starting a fire in an emergency situation.

Multi-Use Tools

When it comes to survival, having tools that can perform multiple functions is key. That’s why we recommend including multi-use tools in your survival kit bag. Here are two types of multi-use tools that we think are essential:

Swiss Army Knife

The Swiss Army Knife is a classic multi-use tool that has been a staple in survival kits for decades. It typically includes a variety of blades, screwdrivers, can openers, and other tools. This versatile tool can be used for everything from cutting rope to opening cans to tightening screws.

One of the best things about the Swiss Army Knife is its compact size. It can easily fit in your pocket or attach to your keychain, making it a convenient tool to have on hand at all times. Plus, many models come with a lifetime warranty, so you can trust that it will last for years to come.


Another popular multi-use tool is the multi-tool. These tools typically include a variety of pliers, knives, screwdrivers, and other tools all in one compact package. They can be used for everything from cutting wire to tightening bolts to opening bottles.

One of the advantages of a multi-tool is that it often includes a locking mechanism to keep the tools securely in place when in use. This can be especially helpful when using the pliers or other tools that require a strong grip.

When choosing a multi-tool, it’s important to consider the specific tools that are included and how they will be useful in a survival situation. Look for a model that includes the tools you are most likely to need, such as a saw or wire cutters.

In summary, including multi-use tools in your survival kit bag is a smart choice. The Swiss Army Knife and multi-tool are both excellent options that can perform a variety of functions and are compact enough to carry with you at all times.

Personal Protection Items

When it comes to personal protection items, we want to make sure that we have the necessary tools to defend ourselves in case of an emergency. In this section, we will discuss two important items that should be included in your survival kit bag: pepper spray and personal alarms.

Pepper Spray

Pepper spray is a non-lethal self-defense tool that can be used to deter an attacker. It is made from oleoresin capsicum, which is a natural extract from chili peppers. When sprayed in the face of an attacker, it causes temporary blindness, difficulty breathing, and intense burning pain. This gives you time to escape and seek help.

When choosing a pepper spray for your survival kit bag, make sure to look for one that has a high concentration of oleoresin capsicum. The higher the concentration, the more effective it will be. You should also look for a spray that has a range of at least 10 feet, so that you can use it from a safe distance.

Personal Alarm

A personal alarm is a small, portable device that emits a loud, piercing sound when activated. It can be used to attract attention and deter an attacker. Personal alarms are easy to use and can be activated with the press of a button.

When choosing a personal alarm for your survival kit bag, look for one that has a loud sound. The sound should be at least 120 decibels, which is as loud as a chainsaw or a thunderclap. You should also look for a device that is easy to activate, so that you can use it quickly in case of an emergency.

In conclusion, pepper spray and personal alarms are two important items that should be included in your survival kit bag. They are both effective tools for self-defense and can be used to deter an attacker and attract attention in case of an emergency. Make sure to choose high-quality products that are easy to use and have a range of features to ensure your safety.

Light Sources

When it comes to survival kits, light sources are an essential item to have. They can help you navigate in the dark, signal for help, and provide a sense of comfort during stressful situations. In this section, we will discuss two types of light sources that are commonly found in survival kits: flashlights and glow sticks.


A flashlight is a must-have item in any survival kit. It can provide a strong, focused beam of light that can help you navigate in the dark. When choosing a flashlight for your survival kit, consider the following:

  • Size: A compact, lightweight flashlight is ideal for a survival kit. It should be small enough to fit in your pocket or attach to your belt.
  • Battery life: Look for a flashlight that has a long battery life. LED flashlights are a good choice because they use less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs.
  • Durability: Your flashlight should be able to withstand rough handling and extreme weather conditions. Look for flashlights that are made of high-quality materials, such as aluminum or stainless steel.
  • Brightness: The brightness of your flashlight is measured in lumens. A flashlight with a high lumen rating will provide a brighter beam of light.
led, flashlight, light @ Pixabay

Glow Sticks

Glow sticks are another type of light source that can be useful in a survival kit. They are lightweight, inexpensive, and easy to use. Glow sticks work by mixing two chemicals together, which creates a chemical reaction that produces light. When choosing glow sticks for your survival kit, consider the following:

  • Size: Glow sticks come in a variety of sizes, from small to large. Choose the size that best fits your needs.
  • Duration: Glow sticks can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Look for glow sticks that have a long duration.
  • Color: Glow sticks come in a variety of colors. Choose the color that best fits your needs. For example, green glow sticks are easy to see in the dark, while red glow sticks are good for signaling for help.

In conclusion, flashlights and glow sticks are both useful light sources to have in a survival kit. When choosing these items, consider factors such as size, battery life, durability, brightness, duration, and color.

Miscellaneous Items

When packing a survival kit bag, it’s important to consider including miscellaneous items that could come in handy in a variety of situations. In this section, we’ll cover two important miscellaneous items to consider: duct tape and fishing line and hooks.

Duct Tape

Duct tape is a versatile item that can be used for a variety of purposes in a survival situation. It can be used to repair gear, create shelter, or even make a splint for a broken limb. When packing duct tape, consider wrapping a length of it around a pencil or a small piece of cardboard to save space.

Fishing Line and Hooks

Fishing line and hooks can be a valuable addition to a survival kit bag, particularly if you’re in an area with a water source. Fishing can provide a source of food and can also be a calming activity to help pass the time. When packing fishing line and hooks, consider including a variety of hook sizes and types, as well as some sinkers and swivels to help with casting.

Overall, when packing miscellaneous items in your survival kit bag, consider items that can serve multiple purposes and take up minimal space. Duct tape and fishing line and hooks are just two examples of items that could prove useful in a variety of situations.

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